Everything you need to know about Mouth Breathing

Mouth Breathing

Mouth Breathing in dentistry Mouth breathing is a significant issue affecting many people, and it has a profound impact on the oral health of those affected. The primary reason behind its serious consequences lies in the dryness it induces in the mouth, subsequently leading to a reduced oral buffering capacity against the acidic by-products produced […]

Understanding Dental Crowns: What They Are and How They Function

dental crown

Dental crowns, often used in dental restoration, completely cover or “cap” a tooth or dental implant. These full-coverage restorations are used when there’s a large cavity that’s threatening a tooth’s health. They can also be used to manage discolored teeth as well as misshapen teeth. They’re bonded to the tooth using dental cement or adhesive. […]

What are dental implants? 

Dental Implants

Dental implants Dental implants stand as the gold standard in tooth replacement procedures, leveraging a meticulously crafted artificial root-shaped titanium implant to seamlessly replace a missing tooth. The intricacies of this process involve precisely drilling the implant into the alveolar bone socket, a dimension-specific endeavor that lays the groundwork for the subsequent phases. Surgical Precision […]

How to maintain a good oral Hygiene?

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is about keeping the mouth clean and preventing disease. Good oral hygiene includes brushing and cleaning, as well as visiting dentists regularly for x-rays, examinations, and cleaning. Why is oral hygiene important? Oral hygiene is preventive care. In other words, proper care of teeth and gums can prevent dental health problems such as […]

Teeth Whitening, Is teeth whitening permanent?

Teeth Whitening

Tooth Whitening Tooth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that lightens yellowish or discolored teeth. This procedure involves using special tools and bleach that brighten the teeth a few shades. Two sessions allow a person to get a shiny white tooth. Before whitening teeth, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist. If you […]

Unhealthy Habits that Give Us Cavities

Unhealthy Habits that gives us cavities

We humans always acquire good and some bad habits during our lifetimes and sometimes cling to them for life. Many bad habits are unconsciously acquired, which makes it difficult to quit. Bad habits don’t hurt, as long as they don’t harm your health. Bad habits in the mouth may cause painful problems or be expensive […]

Everything You Need to Know About Dental

dental pain

Dental filling is a standard method used by dentists to treat cavities. A decayed tooth is a small hole in the enamel that, if not treated, can later result in tooth decay. Dentists fill the gaps using substances such as amalgam and composites during the dental filling process. This is done after the dentist cleans […]

Should You Fill Cavities in Baby Teeth?

teeth baby

Should You fill cavities in baby teeth? The question that dentists receive from parents of decayed teeth children is relatively common: “Should decayed teeth be Filled ?”That’s it.” Since primary teeth are not permanent teeth, it may seem redundant to spend time on dental caries that will eventually fall out. The answer may be different […]

How strongly should I brush my teeth?

Teeth brush

Brush the bristles with the force of rubbing the surface of the teeth. Also, don’t feel the brush head against your teeth or gums. Also, especially if brushing is too vigorous, choosing a soft bristle brush is better than a medium or stiff brush. Too-Strong Brushing Effects You’ve never been bothered by the strength of […]

When to Consider Veneers and Are They Right For You


What is a dental veneer? Veneers are made using both machine-made and hand-crafted techniques. Whether or not you end up smiling depends on a variety of factors, including your dentist’s technology, the quality of the materials you use, and your individual needs. These ultra-thin porcelain shells not only fix dental problems such as damage to […]

What is dental filling?

Dental fillings

They are single or combined materials of metal, plastic, glass, or other materials used to repair or restore teeth. One of the most common uses of dental filling is for dentists to “fill” cavities in the teeth. They are also used to replace cracked or broken teeth or teeth that have been accidentally worn off […]